hi! i have been spending the last past few days listening to a bunch of music and just like, vibing... existing. its pretty exciting, just being there, like, being just a person! its been a real long time since i felt this good, may i say, this human... yeah, i think im a real person again, maybe even, a real boy. yeah. i think i'm a real boy. of blood and flesh. and everything in between and stuff.

i like pinnochio a lot. i almost typed "and i also love that A.I. Artificial Inteligence film too" but, i really Don't. its not a bad movie. no, no, its even a great movie, but i dont like it. its too depressing and not in the way i like. seems too cynical. the robot child is punished once and once again for only wanting to be loved, and when he finally gets that, they die. then theres aliens. or something. freaky movie. i think the robot boy deserved better, he deserved everything, he really did. heartbreaking story.

but pinnochio, as the original story, i like him. i didnt actually grow up with the disney version (i never watched it either, woah!) but with some episodes of this japanese 70s show based on the fairytale edited to work as a standalone movie. i liked it a lot but i dont remember much of it. there was a mermaid, that i know. overall, i didnt grow up with lots of disney movies, in my house we had a bunch of "bootlegs" and versions of old fairytales made in small budgets, often to cash in things done by old studios. they were fun... not always the greatest, but they were fun. i should re-watch them sometime... see what they were about... i specially remember that "my" version of the little mermaid was also a japanese movie, with a blonde version of the character (made years before disney released their version), which was a beautiful movie, with also beautiful animation.

thats one of the things that make people different from others, huh? the adaptations of fairytales they grew up with. well, i think my favorite fairytale is snow white. i'm not sure. i remember reading a version of it as a child that i found on my school's library. it had some of the original bits that were smoothed over on other more popular adaptions, like the evil queen trying to kill snow white with a poisoned comb and etc. i loved the illustrations, they were so pretty!

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