hi! i have nothing to say today LOL! huuh????!! oh well, but i still want to write! hmmmmmm the urge to create comes back to me again, yes, it comes... what is being human if not being driven by your desires? we have so many multitudes living inside of us... i think things would be better if everyone drew or painted or made art or something. it makes me very upset that almost everyone seems to think that to be an "Artist" they need to be like Picasso, Monet, DaVinci, etc... well, i think that to be an artist, you have to create, and thats it.

to me, art is every and any expression of the human mind. to live is art, simply. to draw funny faces on the borders of things, to write shopping lists, to post online about random things... i once saw this tumblr post that went something like "i create art because if i dont, the ideas stay inside of me and i get sick" and thats how i feel. when i dont write or draw, o whatever, i get a bit upset. but its no good to force ourselves too... finding a balance between everything is so hard! as i like to say, im just a guy. we are all just people... i was thinking about st. sebastian earlier. i think he may be my favorite catholic saint. or something.

i have been thinking about getting a tattoo but im never sure of what even to get done! right now im thinking about ultraman. i just love him, he is so cool. he is like 10 meters tall and always saves the day, even if all odds go against him, he always stays strong and tries his best... thats a good rolemodel, i think! i love you, ultraman! i wish you were my dad! so yeah! live your best life! create! vibe!

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