mom acidentally threw away a bottle of coke we bought yesterday! :( hapilly i had a can of redbull on the fridge, so i can drink carbonated goodness tonight...
one of my big passtimess these pasts months has been playing nintendo ds games. my gf homebrewed my 3ds for me and one of my life long dreams has been achieved: being able to play all the strange, shitty, culty, good, bad, silly and lovely ds games i want! i had a red nintendo ds lite as a kid, and that was my most prrized possession, i would literlaly spend all day playing pokemon or mario there, it was truly one of my best friends. saddly, both the games and the system were taken away from my life by the claws of time, the only survivors being some of my pokemon cartridges.

I hope you are happy in Nintendo DS Vahalla... the afterlite to take a well deserved rest...
back in 2012 or 2013, in that season that i think everyone in tumblr remembers well, mom bought me a pearl pink metallic nintendo 3ds and two games: animal crossing new leaf and pokemon x. that was one of the best days of my life so far, i was so happy to play these games everyone was talking about and to be part of the animal crossing experience. and the first mainline pokemon game in 3d too, wow! like, WOW! i was so happy! :D these were great times. since then, to not repeat the tragedies my first ds endured, i took the best possible care of my new system. and it paid off, oh boy, how did it pay off! 10 years later it works perfectly well with no problems. no broken hinges, both screens perfectly good, all the buttons working, everything good. the only problem is that 3ds games were super expensive in brazil and at most i could buy only 1 or 2 of them per year, so along the years i kinda forgot about my dear friend, metallic pink 3ds...

my dear boy! how i love you! how i love you! how i love you!
so all of this culminates in this new devolpment: im now the owner of a homebrewed ds! hell yeah baby! i remember that the first thing we did with it was downloand and install Ridger Racer 3D, haha. im awful at it! but i plan to get better it... just you wait!. ridge racer 3d is a strange game. as far im aware, ALL of the ridge racer games are in 3D, that is, the graphics, i think only the 3ds one has 3D effects for your eyes... oh well! ridge racer 3DS would have been a better title, but who am I, what do I know. Here is the guide to hacking your 3DS to run on custom firmware.

the graphics arent that good on the actual console... dont let this picture fool you!
and the second thing we did was download a Boça (read it as boh-ssah) custom theme. Boça is a caracther from the brazilian comedy tv show "Hermes e Renato". it even comes with a song sun by Boça himself... i love it. you can download it for your own modded 3ds on this link here. man googling for this i found a Grande Familia theme, which is like my favorite sitcom EVER and a tv show that shaped my personality from a young age. but that's a blog post for another day... it's here.

pô meu... tipo assim, meu, é muita sacanagem, cara, não acredito que fizeram isso comigo, meu. não dá meu, não dá. é muita sacanagem, meu.
and now, for some original NDS games that I played and i recommend, i will leave screenshots of my adventures for your eyes to be amazed and to cry at the beauty of the reality of electronic entertaiment of the nintendo ds. amen! these are the games i remembered to screenshot and/or had space in my sd card for it. i also played a lot of gba games but i dont have screenshots in hand cause the homebrew software (GBARunner2) i use to run them doesnt has a screenshooting feature. i use Twilight Menu to make GBARunner2 easier to use, run NDS games and manage my roms. it comes with emulators for many other consoles so don't forget to check their documentation!
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary & Puyo Puyo 7

actually only the last screenshot is from Puyo Puyo 7, ops!
Two very good and cool puzzle games, and also good starting entries to the Puyo franchise. tho, i would recommend starting with 15th Aniversary over 7, cause 7 focuses on a new gameplay mechanic (henshin/transformation rule) that might be a bit confusing for new time players. and since I didnt screenshot the actual gmeplay, this is a picture I got from google from the PS2 version of PP15ThA haha. The translation of these two DS games was done by the folks at Precise Museum.


as a kid I always dreamt with playing Nintendogs, but i never got to it, but, as an adult i can make that dream come true! i have a puppy named Pompom, he is a yellow labrador, and we have all sort of magical adventures everyday, like watching him pee in the street and teaching him how to roll in his belly. I love the little guy. he is going to college someday, we are working in a fund for it. in the meanwhile, we train and attend dog competitions...
Build-A-Bear Workshop

the experience of build a bear workshop in the palm of your hands! well, actually, without the actual teddy bear... oh well. this is good for non americans like me, that never had the chance to go to one of those stores in real life. after you build your plush buddy, you can play with them in a lot of mini games. this game is very very very very very cute, but something is off with it. i dont feel comfortable playing it. sewing this virtual animal to life is frightening. i plan to write a longer review on it someday, so be on the lookout, we will discuss how lovecraftian this DS game for children is.
Littlest Pet Shop: Spring

This is the better animal crossing, guys. here you are the owner of your OWN littlest pet shop, tho you dont sell them, and you have to buy them yourself! actually, you don't buy the littlest animals, you buy them a train passage for your shop, which is very cute. you unlock clothing pieces for the animals and you can dress and name them, so it's a totally YOU littlest pet shop experience. and the mini games are kinda challenging? yeah! i love them. as fun as newgrounds flash games from 2007 were (that is, a lot!) i feel so proud of my animal friends. might make a shrine for them later. i love them. they are my friends :)

i dont feel like writing an entry for those today, so just look at the pictures, im sorry... in order: Aquarium by DS, Michael Jackon: The Experience, Cooking Mama and Barbie In The 12 Dancing Princesses.
That's it for today folks! have a good week and dont forget to have fun! :)